15.8 million Jewish people in the entire world
remember there's just 7 million Jews in Israel surrounded by an Arab
population of more than 400 million 22 Arab states 57 Muslim
countries all surrounding the one and only Jewish state that most of the world
aligns with these 400 million 22 Arab states and 57 Muslim countries with a
goal of course not all of these hate but i' would say good
majority they would like to see Israel wiped off the map the one and only
Jewish state that stands as a Beacon of Hope and light to a small minority in
the world the Jewish people they would like to see it eradicated erased from
the earth. ( From the Israel Guys youtube video_) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g171EH_b1w&t=919s
I repeat (my words) 15.8 Jews worldwide 7 million in Israel
Compare that to 400 four hundred million arabs in 22 Arab states 57 muslim countries
The sickness in the mind of the world is saying that one country housing 7 million jews should not be permitted. The jews need to go. But where? The truth is they dont want them to go anywhere they just want them to be dead eradicated finished no more to be heard from again. I ask you who is sick?
Who has a problem? The jews dont attack their neighbors they even gave up some of their land to appease them and the world sent billions of billions dollars to build a community. What did they do with the money? The built underground cities and highways, spent hundreds of billions on rockets, missiles, drones guns and ammo. Not hospitals and schools, parks normal stuff folks do to support their community.
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice........?
7 million jews 1 state
400 Arabs
22 Arab states 57 muslim countries
ONE Jewish state is not acceptable in the sick mind of our enemy
Now tell me who’s crazy.? Iran calls Israel the little satan and America big satan.
The jihad 1000 year plan is to eliminate the Jews then turn their sight on America
When youve had enough of this please read the Gospel of John, get saved then read the 13th chapter of Revelation. Do not whatever you do, do not receive the new I.D in your hand or on your forehead spoken of in Revelation ch.13