There is much to be gained by the following videos but I recommend reading the Living Water everyday. I'm certain if you will read and re-read it at least three times you will understand the truths of the Word of God and be Born of the Spirit. Read it and you will know what I know. The hour is late my friend. Hell is coming to earth. Our so called leaders (global) have rejected God and He's going to give them what they want. The world leader "Anti-Christ is setting the stage and its not going to be pretty. Ask the Lord to forgive you. Why, you ask? Because we are sinners, separated from God. And we need to repent and ask Him to forgive us. Then you will know as you are known
Three minutes could change your life
The Rapture According to Jesus
Near Death Experience - Ep. 27
Muslim Tells All
2023 End Times Prophecy
Investigating Islam with Dr. Jay Smith
Digital book on the Cults =
Jul 23, 2023
If you are
one of the blessed folk that just accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior then
you may need some direction on where not to worship. Prof Walter Martin
in digital form is that source. I will be providing additional help on houses
of worship and what to look for as well as those to avoid. Like I noted earlier
in the booklet "Living Water" far too many churches have become woke
and “property” of the NWO.